早鳥優惠!兩場營養精神醫學的專題討論將在2022 MBI Symposium身心介面國際研討會登場!
2022年10月29-30日即將舉辦的第十二屆身心介面國際研討會中,將由國際營養精神病學研究學會 (ISNPR) 近十位專家組成專題討論探討不同飲食方式與營養介入在精神疾病中所扮演的角色,並提供當前營養精神病學的研究發展。ISNPR成立於2013年,與台灣營養精神醫學研究學會攜手共同推動轉譯醫學研究及營養治療的推廣,本屆研討會再次聚集該領域的頂尖學者分享營養精神醫學的創新研究。

第一場由Wolfgang Marx與台灣營養精神醫學研究學會理事長張倍禎醫師共同組成,由五位專家學者進行營養調控在身心醫學領域最新的研究發現及未來趨勢。包括注意力不足過動症、自閉症、憂鬱症、雙極性情感症候群與焦慮症等,講題與講者如下:
S22. Nutritional Psychiatry Session
- Wolfgang Marx, PhD (Chair) | Nutrition in Mental Health: Current Trends and Updates
- Annabel S. Mueller-Stierlin, PhD | Subjective implications of dietary intake and eating behaviours for people with serious mental illness
- Jane Chang, MD, PhD | Omega-3 PUFAs in Children and Adolescents: Focused on ADHD, ASD and Depression
- Calogero Longhitano, MD | Rationale for the use of Ketogenic diet and in Bipolar Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia: the current clinical evidence and a proposed RCT.
- Angela Sherwin, BSc | HAPI Trial – High Anxiety Pyrrole Intervention Trial
第二場主題為生酮飲食在精神疾病治療,由Calogero Longhitano擔任主席,召集四位講者進行報告,講者與講題如下:
S23. Effects of Ketogenic Diet Therapy Session
- Calogero Longhitano, PhD (Chair) | Nutritional interventions in psychosis review. A brief history of dietary interventions in severe mental disorders and how a low-carb high-fat diet can act as a powerful metabolic enhancer of brain cell function.
- Zoltan Sarnyai, PhD | From Mice to Men. Effects of ketogenic diet on behavioural models of psychiatry and why the effect might be translatable to humans.
- Christopher Palmer, MD | Ketogenic Diet in psychosis, mitochondrial health and a new paradigm to explain mental disorders
- Elena Gross, PhD | Solving the Migraine Mystery: ketosis-modulated mitochondrial health, oxidative stress and insulin resistance
1. ISNPR官網 http://www.isnpr.org/
Posted on 2022-08-09Share this: