學術新知 Press

Melatonergic agonist regulates circadian clock genes and peripheral inflammatory and neuroplasticity

Melatonergic agonist regulates circadian clock genes and peripheral inflammatory and neuroplasticity




對於睡眠專科醫師來說,除了開立傳統苯二氮平類的安眠藥,治療失眠可著眼的方向其實很多,包括使用所謂的4Ps理論,針對病人失眠惡化的因子各個擊破,也可以從睡眠生理下手,與病人探討生活中與睡眠的Process S (Sleep Homeostasis,睡眠恆定性)與Process C(Circadian rhythm,日夜節律)有關的型態調整。






這個研究雖然受試者樣本較小,但因為非常具有啟發性,對於失眠、憂鬱、焦慮之間的關聯性提出新的可能,受到國際學界重視,已刊登於知名學術刊物Brain Behavior and Immunity。相信關於褪黑激素與日夜節律,應該還有很多待開發的未知領域。


Circadian dysfunction is a core manifestation and a risk factor for psychiatric disorders. Ramelteon (RMT), a melatonin receptor agonist, has been shown to induce sleep phase shifts and has been used to normalize sleep onset time. RMT has been used in sleep disorders, depression and anxiety. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of RMT in regulating gene expression profiles of the circadian clock and peripheral markers of inflammation and neuroplasticity. Sixteen patients with a diagnosis of primary insomnia comorbid with depression and anxiety and ten healthy controls were recruited in an 8-week open-label trial. The patients with primary insomnia received RMT 8 mg/day. RMT treatment was able to restore phase- shifted melatonin markers, normalized the altered expression of nine core circadian genes (CLOCK, PER1, PER2, CRY1, CRY2, NR1D1, NR1D2, DEC1 and TIMELESS), the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine levels (interleukin-6, interleukin-1b, tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interferon gamma) and neurotrophins (brain-derived neurotrophic factor, glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor and beta-nerve growth factor) in patients with insomnia comorbid anxiety and depression.

原文出處: Melatonergic agonist regulates circadian clock genes and peripheral inflammatory and neuroplasticity markers in patients with depression and anxiety.


撰稿者:Senthil Kumaran Satyanarayanan博士、谷大為醫師

圖片來源: https://www.oxxostudio.tw/project/funny/junji/ 



Posted on 2020-03-09Share this:

Posted on 2020-03-09Share this:

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